EndpointSlice represents a subset of the endpoints that implement a service. For a given service there may be multiple EndpointSlice objects, selected by labels, which must be joined to produce the full set of endpoints.
Click on Property Name to show the description, and Pink Types to expand schema.
Required properties are marked with *
Change History
Kubernetes v1.32
Kubernetes v1.31
Kubernetes v1.30
Kubernetes v1.29
2 properties have changed the description
- .ports.appProtocol
Kubernetes v1.28
1 property has changed the description
- .ports.appProtocol
Kubernetes v1.27
13 properties have changed the description
- .addressType
- .endpoints.conditions.ready
- .metadata.annotations
- .metadata.labels
- .metadata.namespace
- .metadata.ownerReferences.uid
- .metadata.uid
- .ports.appProtocol
- .ports.port
- .ports.protocol
Kubernetes v1.26
2 properties have changed the description
- .endpoints.conditions.serving
- .endpoints.conditions.terminating
Kubernetes v1.25
1 property has been removed on this version
- .metadata.clusterName
1 property has changed the description
- .endpoints.nodeName
Kubernetes v1.24
8 properties have changed the description
- .addressType
- .endpoints.addresses
- .metadata.clusterName
- .metadata.generateName
- .metadata.managedFields.time
- .metadata.ownerReferences.blockOwnerDeletion
- .metadata.selfLink
- .ports.appProtocol
Kubernetes v1.23
1 property has changed the description
- .addressType
Kubernetes v1.22
1 property has been added on this version
- .metadata.managedFields.subresource
Kubernetes v1.21
EndpointSlice was first seen on this version of Kubernetes
Kubernetes v1.20
Kubernetes v1.19
Kubernetes v1.18
Kubernetes v1.17
Kubernetes v1.16
Kubernetes v1.15
Kubernetes v1.14
Kubernetes v1.13
Kubernetes v1.12
Kubernetes v1.11
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