ClusterTriggerAuthentication defines how a trigger can authenticate globally
Click on Property Name to show the description, and Pink Types to expand schema.
Required properties are marked with *
Change History
Keda v2.16.1
Keda v2.16.0
Keda v2.15.1
Keda v2.15.0
Keda v2.14.1
Keda v2.14.0
8 properties have been added on this version
- .spec.awsSecretManager.podIdentity.identityAuthorityHost
- .spec.awsSecretManager.podIdentity.identityTenantId
- .spec.azureKeyVault.podIdentity.identityAuthorityHost
- .spec.azureKeyVault.podIdentity.identityTenantId
- .spec.gcpSecretManager.podIdentity.identityAuthorityHost
- .spec.gcpSecretManager.podIdentity.identityTenantId
- .spec.podIdentity.identityAuthorityHost
- .spec.podIdentity.identityTenantId
6 properties have changed the description
- .apiVersion
- .kind
- .spec.awsSecretManager.podIdentity
- .spec.azureKeyVault.podIdentity
- .spec.gcpSecretManager.podIdentity
- .spec.podIdentity
Keda v2.13.1
Keda v2.13.0
9 properties have been added on this version
- .spec.awsSecretManager
- .spec.azureKeyVault.podIdentity.identityOwner
- .spec.azureKeyVault.podIdentity.roleArn
- .spec.configMapTargetRef
- .spec.gcpSecretManager
- .spec.hashiCorpVault.secrets.pkiData
- .spec.hashiCorpVault.secrets.type
- .spec.podIdentity.identityOwner
- .spec.podIdentity.roleArn
Keda v2.12.1
Keda v2.12.0
1 property has been added on this version
- .status
Keda v2.11.2
Keda v2.11.1
Keda v2.11.0
Keda v2.10.1
Keda v2.10.0
Keda v2.9.3
Keda v2.9.2
Keda v2.9.1
Keda v2.9.0
1 property has been added on this version
- .spec.azureKeyVault.podIdentity
Keda v2.8.2
Keda v2.8.1
Keda v2.8.0
1 property has been added on this version
- .spec.podIdentity.identityId
Keda v2.7.1
Keda v2.7.0
1 property has been added on this version
- .spec.azureKeyVault
Keda v2.6.1
Keda v2.6.0
Keda v2.5.0
1 property has been added on this version
- .spec.hashiCorpVault.namespace
Keda v2.4.0
Keda v2.3.0
Keda v2.2.0
Keda v2.1.0
ClusterTriggerAuthentication was first seen on this version of Keda
Keda v2.0.0
Keda v1.5.0
Keda v1.4.1
Keda v1.4.0
Keda v1.3.0
Keda v1.2.0
Keda v1.1.0
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