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Namespaced Resource


        The `Prometheus` custom resource definition (CRD) defines a desired [Prometheus](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus) setup to run in a Kubernetes cluster. It allows to specify many options such as the number of replicas, persistent storage, and Alertmanagers where firing alerts should be sent and many more.

For each `Prometheus` resource, the Operator deploys one or several `StatefulSet` objects in the same namespace. The number of StatefulSets is equal to the number of shards which is 1 by default.

The resource defines via label and namespace selectors which `ServiceMonitor`, `PodMonitor`, `Probe` and `PrometheusRule` objects should be associated to the deployed Prometheus instances.

The Operator continuously reconciles the scrape and rules configuration and a sidecar container running in the Prometheus pods triggers a reload of the configuration when needed.

Click on Property Name to show the description, and Pink Types to expand schema.

Required properties are marked with *

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