CSINode holds information about all CSI drivers installed on a node. CSI drivers do not need to create the CSINode object directly. As long as they use the node-driver-registrar sidecar container, the kubelet will automatically populate the CSINode object for the CSI driver as part of kubelet plugin registration. CSINode has the same name as a node. If the object is missing, it means either there are no CSI Drivers available on the node, or the Kubelet version is low enough that it doesn't create this object. CSINode has an OwnerReference that points to the corresponding node object.
Click on Property Name to show the description, and Pink Types to expand schema.
Required properties are marked with *
Change History
Kubernetes v1.32
Kubernetes v1.31
Kubernetes v1.30
Kubernetes v1.29
Kubernetes v1.28
Kubernetes v1.27
3 properties have changed the description
- .metadata
- .spec.drivers.allocatable.count
Kubernetes v1.26
Kubernetes v1.25
1 property has been removed on this version
- .metadata.clusterName
Kubernetes v1.24
5 properties have changed the description
- .metadata.clusterName
- .metadata.generateName
- .metadata.managedFields.time
- .metadata.ownerReferences.blockOwnerDeletion
- .metadata.selfLink
Kubernetes v1.23
Kubernetes v1.22
1 property has been added on this version
- .metadata.managedFields.subresource
Kubernetes v1.21
Kubernetes v1.20
Kubernetes v1.19
1 property has changed the description
- .metadata.namespace
Kubernetes v1.18
Kubernetes v1.17
CSINode was first seen on this version of Kubernetes
Kubernetes v1.16
Kubernetes v1.15
Kubernetes v1.14
Kubernetes v1.13
Kubernetes v1.12
Kubernetes v1.11
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