Node is a worker node in Kubernetes. Each node will have a unique identifier in the cache (i.e. in etcd).
Click on Property Name to show the description, and Pink Types to expand schema.
Required properties are marked with *
Change History
Kubernetes v1.32
3 properties have changed the description
- .status.addresses
- .status.conditions
- .status.nodeInfo
Kubernetes v1.31
2 properties have been added on this version
- .status.features
- .status.runtimeHandlers.features.userNamespaces
2 properties have changed the description
- .status.capacity
- .status.nodeInfo.kubeProxyVersion
Kubernetes v1.30
1 property has been added on this version
- .status.runtimeHandlers
Kubernetes v1.29
Kubernetes v1.28
Kubernetes v1.27
10 properties have changed the description
- .metadata.annotations
- .metadata.labels
- .metadata.name
- .metadata.namespace
- .metadata.ownerReferences.name
- .metadata.ownerReferences.uid
- .metadata.uid
- .spec.taints.effect
- .status.addresses
- .status.phase
Kubernetes v1.26
2 properties have changed the description
- .spec.configSource
- .status.addresses
Kubernetes v1.25
1 property has been removed on this version
- .metadata.clusterName
1 property has changed the description
- .status.images.names
Kubernetes v1.24
11 properties have changed the description
- .metadata.clusterName
- .metadata.generateName
- .metadata.managedFields.time
- .metadata.ownerReferences.blockOwnerDeletion
- .metadata.selfLink
- .spec.configSource
- .spec.taints.effect
- .status.addresses.type
- .status.conditions.type
- .status.nodeInfo.containerRuntimeVersion
- .status.phase
Kubernetes v1.23
4 properties have changed the description
- .spec.taints.effect
- .status.addresses.type
- .status.conditions.type
- .status.phase
Kubernetes v1.22
1 property has been added on this version
- .metadata.managedFields.subresource
1 property has changed the description
- .spec.configSource
Kubernetes v1.21
Kubernetes v1.20
Kubernetes v1.19
2 properties have changed the description
- .metadata.namespace
- .status.nodeInfo.systemUUID
Kubernetes v1.18
1 property has changed the description
- .spec.taints.value
Kubernetes v1.17
1 property has changed the description
- .metadata.finalizers
Kubernetes v1.16
3 properties have been added on this version
- .metadata.managedFields.fieldsType
- .metadata.managedFields.fieldsV1
- .spec.podCIDRs
2 properties have been removed on this version
- .metadata.initializers
- .metadata.managedFields.fields
5 properties have changed the description
- .apiVersion
- .kind
- .metadata
- .spec
- .status
Kubernetes v1.15
1 property has been added on this version
- .metadata.initializers.result.metadata.remainingItemCount
Kubernetes v1.14
1 property has been added on this version
- .metadata.managedFields
1 property has changed the description
- .metadata.initializers
Kubernetes v1.13
Kubernetes v1.12
1 property has changed the description
- .metadata.initializers.result.metadata.continue
Kubernetes v1.11
2 properties have been added on this version
- .spec.configSource.configMap
- .status.config
3 properties have been removed on this version
- .spec.configSource.apiVersion
- .spec.configSource.configMapRef
- .spec.configSource.kind
1 property has changed the description
- .spec.externalID
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